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English Exercise with the Song "Just Lose It"



Stomach Estómago
Boy Chico/Niño
Crazy Loco
Girl Chico; Niña
Baby Bebé
Lady Señora
Back Espalda
Child Niño/Niña
Old Viejo
Mean Tacaño
Man Hombre
Good Bueno
Jealous Celoso
Friend Amigo/a
Hair Pelo
Skinny Flaco
Tall Alto
Hair Pelo
Fat Gordo
Miss Señorita
Name Nombre
Blind Ciego
Street Calle
Report Reportaje
black negro
cool fresco
crazy loco
fat gordo
good bueno
guilty culpable
kind amable, bueno, bondadoso
little pequeño, poco
mean malo, mezquino, tacaño
new nuevo, fresco, reciente, moderno
old viejo, anciano, antiguo
skinny flaco
small pequeño
sorry lamentable
tall alto
BE UP estar levantado
BEND DOWN agacharse
Você é um professor? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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