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English Exercise with the Song "Bad Day"



Hate Odio
Crazy Loco
Back Espalda
Conceited Engreído; Vanidoso
Man Hombre
Need Necesidad
Face Cara
Hope Esperanza
Heart Corazón
Bad Malo
Blind Ciego
Divorced Divorciado
Deaf Sordo
School Escuela ; Colegio
bad malo
crazy loco
hard duro, difícil
soon pronto
strong fuerte, sólido, intenso, marcado
warm caliente, templado, cálido
HOLD ON Continuar
HANG UP Colgar (un cuadro)
Vous êtes un enseignant ? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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