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English Exercise with the Song "Mad World"



Nervous Nervioso
Nervous Nervioso
Sad Triste
Child Niño/Niña
People Gente
Funny Gracioso
Good Bueno
Happy Feliz ; Contento
Head Cabeza
Birthday Cumpleaños
School Escuela ; Colegio
bright brillante, luminoso
early temprano
funny gracioso, curioso, raro
good bueno
happy feliz, contento, alegre
hard duro, difícil
mad enfadado, enojado, loco
sad triste, lamentable, penoso
RUN IN Entrar corriendo
Vous êtes un enseignant ? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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