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English Exercise with the Song "Sorry For Party Rocking"



Brain Cerebro
Crazy Loco
Baby Bebé
Back Espalda
People Gente
Hand Mano
Good Bueno
Bone Hueso
Bad Malo
Fat Gordo
Sick Enfermo
House Casa
Deaf Sordo
bad malo
crazy loco
fat gordo
fit apto, en forma
fresh fresco, nuevo, original
good bueno
hard duro, difícil
light ligero, claro
little pequeño, poco
sorry lamentable
tasty rico, sabroso, apetitoso
BE UP estar levantado
THROW UP Tirar hacia arriba
Vous êtes un enseignant ? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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