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English Exercise with the Song "You Make Me Wanna..."



Sad Triste
Girl Chico; Niña
Baby Bebé
Love Amor
Need Necesidad
Nice Simpático
Friend Amigo/a
Feeling Sentimiento
Head Cabeza
Bad Malo
bad malo
little pequeño, poco
new nuevo, fresco, reciente, moderno
nice simpatico, agradable, bueno
sad triste, lamentable, penoso
strong fuerte, sólido, intenso, marcado
COME ALONG Acompañar, venir por (la calle)
TALK TO Hablar con
Vous êtes un enseignant ? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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