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English Exercise with the Song "Miami"



Surprise Sorpresa
Baby Bebé
Sweet Amable; Dulce
Love Amor
Hand Mano
Heart Corazón
Bottom Trasero
House Casa
Dress Vestido de mujer
black negro
clear claro, despejado
few pocos
high alto, elevado, agudo
hot caliente, caluroso, picante
little pequeño, poco
low bajo
new nuevo, fresco, reciente, moderno
sweet dulce
GET TO Llegar a
SEE TO Encargarse de
COME TO Ascender (una suma), volver en sí.
COME ON ¡Vamos! (en imperativo)
Vous êtes un enseignant ? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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