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English Grammar Exercises

Who, Which, Or Whose Nº1

Fill in each blank space with who, which, or whose:

1. The man ___________________ house we stayed in is my uncle.
2. At first, I couldn't tell ___________________ he was, but then I recognized him.
3. The guy ___________________sold me my car is a crook.
4. P1: ___________________ pen did he give you? P2: The blue one.
5. I couldn't decide ___________________camera was right for me.
6. ___________________turn is it to wash the dishes?
7. I can't decide ___________________the best candidate is.
8. His last book, ___________________I didn't read, was very successful.
9. I don't know ___________________song that is, but it's not theirs.
10. My friend John, ___________________doesn't speak French, had trouble communicating

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