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English Grammar Exercises

Possessive Pronoun Or Possessive Adjective Nº1

Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun: EX: That book is not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun) OR That's my book. (possessive adjective)

1. She's not his friend, she's _______________________ (my/mine).
2. Robert didn't drink his own coffee. He drank _______________________ (her/hers).
3. That is one of _______________________ (hers/her) friends.
4. His neighborhood is safe, while _______________________ (my/mine) neighborhood
5. His neighborhood is safe, while _______________________ (my/mine) isn't.
6. Did _______________________ (your/yours) mother call?
7. I don't know _______________________ (them/their) very well.
8. I don't know _______________________ (them/their) daughter very well.
9. I talked to _______________________ (my/me) grandmother for three hours last night.
10. I think I got my notes mixed up with _______________________ (your/yours).

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