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English Exercise with the Song "Hurricane"



Gentleman Señor; Caballero
Boy Chico/Niño
Eye Ojo
Crazy Loco
Back Espalda
Ashamed Avergonzado
Hand Mano
Man Hombre
Nice Simpático
Friend Amigo/a
Foot Pie
Head Cabeza
Hope Esperanza
Side Costado
Brave Valiente
Blood Sangre
Slums Barrio bajo
Miss Señorita
Name Nombre
House Casa
To live Vivir
Circus Circo
Road Carretera
Prison Cárcel
Road Calzada
Street Calle
Hospital Hospital
Hospital Hospital
black negro
brave valiente
clear claro, despejado
crazy loco
far lejos, distante
guilty culpable
hot caliente, caluroso, picante
new nuevo, fresco, reciente, moderno
nice simpatico, agradable, bueno
poor pobre
soon pronto
GO ON Continuar
PUT IN Meter, instalar
CALL UP Telefonear
BE OVER estar acabado
TALK ABOUT Hablar acerca de
BE IN estar en casa
Are you a teacher? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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