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English Exercise with the Song "Ride"



Person Persona
Crazy Loco
Dark Moreno/Oscuro
Girl Chico; Niña
Baby Bebé
Terrified Aterrorizado
People Gente
Old Viejo
Good Bueno
Mother Madre
Feeling Sentimiento
Beautiful Guapa/o
Pretty Guapo (chicas, bebés); Bonito
Happy Feliz ; Contento
Head Cabeza
Woman Mujer
Father Padre
Road Carretera
Road Calzada
Cold Catarro ; Resfriado
cold frío
crazy loco
dark oscuro, moreno
dry seco
fast rápido
full lleno, completo
good bueno
happy feliz, contento, alegre
hard duro, difícil
high alto, elevado, agudo
hot caliente, caluroso, picante
long largo
old viejo, anciano, antiguo
pretty bonito, lindo, hermoso
wide ancho, amplio, extenso
wild salvaje, silvestre, descontrolado
young joven
TALK ABOUT Hablar acerca de
LOOK UP Mirar arriba, buscar
Você é um professor? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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