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English Exercise with the Song "Miss Atomic Bomb"



Boy Chico/Niño
Thin Delgado
Skin Piel
Back Espalda
Love Amor
Shock Impresión ; Shock
Face Cara
Heart Corazón
Eager Impaciente ; Ansioso , Ilusionado
Miss Señorita
Radio Radio
Street Calle
Passage Pasaje
black negro
clear claro, despejado
deep profundo
hot caliente, caluroso, picante
light ligero, claro
little pequeño, poco
new nuevo, fresco, reciente, moderno
thin delgado, fino
young joven
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Are you a teacher? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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