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English Exercise with the Song "The Angry Birds Rap"



Fear Miedo
Skin Piel
Polite Educado
Back Espalda
Mean Tacaño
Need Necesidad
Finger Dedo de la mano
Pretty Guapo (chicas, bebés); Bonito
Goodbye ¡Adiós ! ; ¡Hasta la vista!
Angry Enfadado
Face Cara
Side Costado
Road Carretera
Road Calzada
angry enfadado, enojado
black negro
far lejos, distante
fast rápido
light ligero, claro
little pequeño, poco
mean malo, mezquino, tacaño
polite educado, cortés
pretty bonito, lindo, hermoso
sorry lamentable
GET BACK Volver, recuperar
TALK ABOUT Hablar acerca de
GO THROUGH Penetrar, sufrir
LOOK UP Mirar arriba, buscar
Are you a teacher? Create your own exercises, introducing the gaps in the part of the song where you need, and share it with your students Now, you can create your own flashcards.
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